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Showing posts from September, 2014

A sprint for a Sandpiper and other Norfolk tales

Luckily nobody else was up early enough this morning to see me running back to the car to collect my scope at Church Marsh, having just spotted 2 Waders at the lagoon edge just to distant to ID. Certainly a test of the leg, which held out. On returning to the lagoon having worked up a sweat I was able to positively identify 2 Common Sandpipers, telling myself how much I liked Sandpipers and how much that could mean when the end of year patchwork challenge points are added up. Elsewhere on the reserve, I encountered singing Chiffchaff and Blackcap. Perhaps they are setting up a territory for winter or maybe just singing because they can. Kingfisher (regularly seeing at least one in the last couple of weeks) Sparrowhawk and 2 Little Grebe the best of the rest. In recent weeks Little Owl, Green Woodpecker and calling Tawny Owl are all of note. Today Debs and I grabbed a few hours round Waxham before heading for dinner at my father in law's. We walked from Waxham Sands down to the pi...