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A mole from Duncton?

 I've had Moles on the mind of late. As a child, I eagerly read books about anthropomorphic animals, as many as I could get my hands on. The Redwall books by Brian Jacques were a nice compliment to the embryonic stages of tabletop wargaming with my father, pitting Badger against Weasel (and many more besides) in a medieval-type high fantasy setting.  Watership Down followed, as did of course Wind in the Willows. When Moles did feature, invariably they were worriers, loners, reverent, led by 'better' animals. 

Earlier this week, I finally finished reading Duncton Wood by William Horwood, a feat I was unable to accomplish as a child. Perhaps I was put off by the intimidating size of the book and the adult themes inside. It is a stone-cold classic (pun intended for those who have read the novel), that follows the lives of a group of Moles living in the Duncton Wood system. Their stories of love and loss soon stretch to other systems, culminating in an unforgettable trek to Siabod, one-time home of the tyrant Mandrake. Horwood has a beautiful grasp of the countryside, speculating that Fritillaries may flutter close to the top of certain peaks, observing the Curlews who live alongside The Marshenders, and finding comfort and security in the Beech woodland that the Moles call home. I am aware that there are 2 follow-up books to complete that Duncton trilogy, these too are massive tomes and I feel like I need to step away from this world for a while before returning. 

I cannot think of a creature whose presence around us is so pronounced, so obvious, yet so rarely is it seen. The photos below of my garden show some recent excavations. Indeed, the Moles have lived here longer than us and their lineage will far outdate our time here, and that of the next residents. Last summer I recall watching a mound crumble from the top, hoping for a flash of pink in the form of a nose or a foot. 30 minutes later, my daughter and I were disappointed. I drew myself away from the mound, and took to counting the number of hills and mole signs in the garden. 20. Yet, I have only ever seen a Mole alive twice. One was at Pyke's Meadow in Stowmarket, so we must be talking 25 years ago or more. The other, I cannot recall the location. Last year, I marvelled with a hint of sadness at a recently deceased individual along Mill Lane, a Marshender for sure. Going back a further 12 Months, and another found dead at Ashwellthorpe, Lower Wood. Who knows what befell these 2 who had bravely ventured above ground. 

I am always pleased to see a mole hill. A sign that they are alive and well, going about their business in a subterranean world of darkness and worms. The soil in our garden is light and sandy, strong in alkalinity. I wonder how far the system here stretches and whether the garden Moles have any contact with The Marshenders. Questions that will never be answered unless a local Mole is satellite tagged. Would that work at 6 feet under?!

Worth a read is this article by the sustainable food trust, who advocate a rewilding of the soil. Good for Worms, Moles, and ultimately what goes on above their heads.


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